Friday, May 21, 2010

because im stupid :)

wonderin wats wit the silly tittle
well i also dunno la! hahah
but all i can say i got tht tittle
from a korean song by ss501
YaY finally im bak to blogging :)

haiyooo exam stress to much la!
wanna kill myself!
evryday stay up late
til 2am n study!
sometimes i even wonder
omg am i studying??
yup tht happens alot! (:

well lets move on,
b4 exams my class was like obsessed with photoshoots
damn cnt believe tht its my FINAL year!!
im gonnnaaaa miss evry1!

like i was sayin!
we had the photoshoot on the 10th!
it was good!
syamil adri the guy who i knew from primary school
was the photographer!
he's good at taking photo's :D
ther's a pict wher we all were under one tree! that was a nice shot!
and we were like buffet lunch for the mosquitos la!
Paula gave a horrific scream like as if sum1 was tryin to kidnap her!
but she shouted because she saw a lizard :)
tht was reli a epic moment at tht time!

and on the same day! i had an awesome time
while in extra class for maths!
teacher made sum not so funny jokes!
but we eventually ended up laughin la! haha!

tht's all peepz! til next time :)


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