Wednesday, May 26, 2010

today was a fairytale

Wednesday :)

Yay Science exammmm!!
Aced it :) ahaha!
thank u sooooooo much thinesh raj!!

Started the day off by seeing bonnie's face!
i was like! why in the world did u come 2 school bonnie??
he said : i noe la my class no exam! but still i love seafield!
Yea my foot la u bonnie!
then he went away! ahaha!!
while we were doin our science paper2!
Xiang Qi started to whistle in class! then Pn Ng came to her n said!
shhhh stop it la! exam exam! haha!
im my class we do not know the meaning of exam n keep quite! ahaha!
so expect the unexpected lah :))
then Pn Ng was like i know lah some of u tiru 4 maths paper!
then the class was like! teach u knw?? oooh who is tht!
Pn Ng : tuhan tahu!!, saya pun tahu!! tuhan beritahu saya! :)
Xiang Qi -
premise 1 : cikgu tahu
premise 2 : tuhan tahu
conclusion : cikgu adalah tuhan!
ahaha! damn u girl! u made me LOL!!


ahaha!! then Carlos was like singing this song to me
i cant remember wat song was it tho!
then i told him go la go n sit 4 ur exam! haha! :)
he went in like a good boy n sat for his ICT paper!!

after our exams!
Me, Choo, Nickly and Xiang Qi
sat around one table! n did a murderin plan! hahahhaha!
that's what choo was doin!!
choo got molested by xiang qi 2day! hahah!
nicklo was like the radio! he sang non stop throughout the whole discussion! hahaha!!
Nickly go n get some new songs to sing la!
ur makin me hate the no boundaries song la! ish ish!!
n then the bell rang! we all rushed bak home happily!
its a no exam day 2moro for H I & J class!! YaY!!

sick of love
*Henry Lau*


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