Friday, May 21, 2010

tagged (:

* List the 15 names of the person that you always think about.

* Do not list any repeats.

* Then, answer the 41 questions below, pertaining to the 15 people.

* When you finish, tag all 15 people in the list, so the cycle can continue.

* If you've been tagged, copy and paste this information into a new note, and follow the directions above. There's no need to feel obligated. If you want to do it, do it. If you don't, have a laugh then move on. :P

AND, short usual.

1) Zach Siow

2) Kevena Komathi

3) Kevin Prasad

4) Dylan Romeo

5) Sek Wen Hao

6) Xiang Qi

7) Nazrin Choo

8) Paula Sindhu

9) Kok Meng

10) Sonia

11) Man Chun

12) Sulaiman Yazid

13) Chin Soon Yong

14) Gautamaraj

15) Gabriella Archana

How did you meet 1? (zach)
- we were classmates in form3 n we got very very close after tht! :)

What would you do if you never met number 8? (paula)
- damn! my life wud suck without her :)

Would you date 2? (kevena)
- nooooooo way! she's my sister!!

Have you ever seen 11 cry? (man chun)
- nope :P

Would 3 and 13 make a good couple? (kevin n soon yong)
- No NOT AT ALL :P hahaha!

Describe 9. *(kok meng)
- Fun, outgoing, simple, likes to smack people alot! hahah :) overall he's a nice guy!

Do you like 2? (kevena)

Do you think 6 is attractive? (xiang qi)
- Yessss she is frakin hawt! ;)

When was the last time you talked to 14? (gautamaraj)
- few mins bak on the phone ;) haha!

Would you ever date 7? (choo)
-ahahah! well tht depends on him :D

Where does 15 live? (gabby)
- usj 2

What is the best thing about 8? (paula)
- well she's just amazing la!! the best girlfriend i cud ever hav :)

What would you like to tell 13 right now? (soon yong)
- iloveyou! hahahah *u noe why*

What is the best thing about 12? (sulaiman)
- he's the most sporting dude u'll ever meet!! makes evry1 laugh :)

Have you ever kissed 11? (man chun)
- hahah ewwwww no! :D

What's the best memory you have with 14? (gautamaraj)
- toooooooooooooo many la! :D

Who is 4's best friend? (dylan)
- aaron yap! :D

Is 15 pretty? (gabby)
- Yesssss! ;)

What was your first impression of 10?
- well i dun remember coz i was 5 when i 1st met her :D

Is 1 your best friend? (zach)
- Yesssss! more than that to be exact :D

Have you seen 5 in the last month? (sek wen hao)
- i see him evryday la! schoolmates :D

When was the last time you saw 11? (man chun)
- yesterday at school :D

Have you ever been to 13's house? (soon yong)
- nope :(

When's the next time you'll see 9?(meng)
- um monday :D

Are you really close to 6? (xiang qi)
- Yesssss!

Would you give 3 a hug? (kevin)

Do you know a secret about 5? (sek)
- .yes!

Describe the relationship between 14 and 4.(dylan n gautam)
- ahahah! good buddies (:

What's your friendship like with 12? (sulaiman)
- very very very closeeeeeeeee
Have you ever danced with 8? (Paula)
- Yes ;)

How do you know 7? (choo)
- same class la! *classmates*

Does 2 have a gf/bf? (kevena)
- well she had :P hahahahah

Have you ever wanted to smack 4 in the face? (dylan)
- yessssssssssssss! hahaha many times!

Has 13 met your father? (soon yong)
- mother yes! father not yet!

Have you travelled anywhere with 10?(sonia)
- yesssssssssssssss

If you gave 7 $100 , what would they spend it on? (choo)
- well something for his camera i assume :D

What's your best memory with 2? (kevena)
- soul sisters la! hahahah tooooooooo many to list down!

What is your best memory with 5? (sek)
- toooooooo many also! but i guess form3 v had the times of our lives :)

What is the last thing you did with 15? (gabby)
- bowling :)

When did you meet 6? (xiang qi)
- um last year :)) hahah!

-had fun doin it :)) people if u read this n if u r tagged! just do it lah :)

relations come and go
but friends stick together forver
no matter what happens :) <3

So I won't give up
No, I wont break down
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

Hilary Duff ; Someones watching over me


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