Wednesday, May 26, 2010

buddies :D

Tuesday ;)
Tuesday!! the day 5Hormat had no exams!
were like the oni class wit no exams!!
13 of us only very rajin came to school :D
Myself, Keith, Choo, Zoe, Johnny, Nicklo,
Jamil, Izzat, Hazim, Kah Mun, Horish, Hayms and Jian Hao!
Zoe more like forced to come because of me lah! hahaha!!
we had a very good time in class interacting with each other :)
Keith came up wit nicknames
i got catch-vena *lame kan?*
Zoe was Zogo! ahahahahhahahhhahahaha! *the funniest*
Choo was Haaaaaaa Choooooooo! :D *the sneeze*
jamil was jamilah
izzat was izzati!
xiang qi dis-owned me n choo for bout an hour!
then she was bak to normal! :P

keith n johnny were like entertainers for the day!
not to 4get! nicklo also! hahah!
nickly n keith were like soul brothers!
we ended up playin stupid games like passing on hittings from each n other!
*keith the cause for tht*
later in the day!
johnathan was like singings songs like he was singing for a funeral! :S
when we told him tht!
he was singing this happy song for a funeral! :P haisH! haha
then we were all singing n makin noise n annoying all the other class tht had addmaths!
muahahahah! *evil us*
soon yong's quote b4 addmaths exam : yay addmaths a++ as usual 4me!
then after exam : shoot! i dint 6questions la! no time :((
ahahaha! pity him!!

man chun was like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu*k u addmaths!! hahaha!!

i reli love this guys :D


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