Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Miracles do happen!
I believe in it!

Monday! we had our moral n pjk exam :))
moral was all good! but the best was PJK!! it was awesome :D ahaha!!
Myself, Man Chun, Bonnie, Xiang Qi and Pei Meng were like reading our
very the interesting PJK textbook!
it all started 1st when i was holding the pjk textbook wit me outside m classroom
n all of a sudden Man Chun came up to me and ask me!
eh pjk damn nice la!! i got read wan!!
the he ask me to check on PSP n PST!
for those who wanna know wat is it! refer to page 167 n 168 in form5's pj textbook!
and then he was talkin to me bout ballguards! :P ahhah!
then bonnie joined in :))
we went to the next interesting topic sumbang mahram n abnormal sex! ahaha!
evrybody thought nothin regardin tht chap wil come out!
even we thought so! but for fun! we were payin full attention to tht chap!
then we started la talkin bout homosexuals, bisexuals n groupsex!
bonnie n man chun's way of tellin it was *gangbang* :P ahaha!

jeng jeng jeng! exam time!! the moment i saw
the section c part, wher i had to do subjective questions! i was stunned!
ahaha! watever we were talkin bout n revising for the previous 30mins came out
EXACTLY! damnnnnnnn! :)
so aced it la we all :D haha!

these are the moments in life when we think about n say
damn i love my life <3

Breathtaking :D


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